Wednesday 19 December 2007

Fake Tickle-Me Elmos Cause More Harm than Laughter

The Tickle Me Elmo toy has had parents turning into frenzied shoppers for many Christmas' now. But the furry red character, designed to giggle when tickled in the belly, is experiencing problems in this, its eleventh year on store shelves.

According to an ABC report, bootleg copies of the toy have been appearing in Baltimore mall kiosks.

"This could be an unsafe product. We have no guarantee of its safety," Angie Barnett, of the Better Business Bureau told ABC. "Who knows what that's made of?"

You can avoid this counterfeit toy by
  • Noting the name: The counterfeit is called "The Laughing Doll," even though it looks identical to Tickle Me Elmo.
  • Price: Ironically, it is the fake in this case which is more expensive. Know and notice your prices.
Click here to watch ABC's news report, "No Laughing Matter."

Photo Credit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what happens? when you tickle it ... does it pee on you?